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Membership of Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika Pensioners Association
All Pensioners / Family Pensioners of the Municipal Corporation of
Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika shall be eligible for "Membership". Right now there shall be three different classes membership available as described below .
1 ) Patron Member –
Individual pensioner who shall pay an amount of Rs. 1000/-
or more as donation along with Application and Admission Fee.
2 ) Life member –
An individual who has resigned from services of MCGM or is voluntarily retired or is superannuated from the service of MCGM or is a family pensioner of MCGM and have admitted as member of Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika Pensioners Association, after receiving an application in writing along with payment of Admission Fee of Rs. 10/- and Membership Fee amounting to Rs. 300/- shall be treated as Life Member.
3 ) Honorary Member –
If desired so Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika  Pensioners Association may award Honorary Membership to an Individual who has completed 40 years of his age, having remarkable experience, expertise, contribution in educational, social, trade union etc. era of human life.
Member can at any time change the class of membership to Patron from Life Member by paying requisite amounts as specified in Rule  less the amount of subscription already paid.
Pensioner / Family Pensioner who desires to seek membership of
Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika Pensioners Association, shall furnish prescribed form which is made available on this Website. Requisite fees can be paid in Cash / through Net Banking / through Q R Code. Required details are made available on this website.

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