Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika Pensioners Association

पॅन नंबर लिंक नसलेल्यांची यादी

About Pension
Brihan Mumbai Mahanagarpalika Pensioners Association : -
It can be seen from histories of various dynasties of the world that Kings / Rulers used to pay salary or something in lieu of salary to all who were employees/ officers /workers / soldiers etc. who can be termed as pillars of their rules. However, no reference is seen about payment of pension history.
The history of the Indian pension system dates back to the colonial period of British-India. The Royal Commission on Civil Establishments, in 1881, first awarded pension benefits to the government employees. The Government of India Act of 1919 & 1935 made further provisions.
East India Company had struggled hardly to settle their business and political activities through their business activities. After winning the Indian battle for Independence in 1857, the British dynasty started ruling across the India and to strengthen the power /rule, introduced the concept of Pension / Retirement benefits. The purpose of this pension system was not to have comprehensive social security system etc. But it was basically to induce, encourage British officers / staff / soldiers etc. in one hand and to prevent local rulers and the peoples of this country from any ideas of rebellion.
This was the manifestation of the pension system that had so come to dominate Britain.
The provisions of this system, however, served to discourage employees from making financial preparations for their lives after retirement.
The Indian Pension Act of 1871 was passed into law as a solution to the numerous issues that plagued the previously established pension system.
After Independence the pension scheme was in existence. However, it was not mandatory and option of double provident fund was open.
Municipal Corporation of Gr. Mumbai Pension Rules ( 1953 ) were approved and sanctioned by the then competent authority and these rules come into effect from 1st April 1953. Pension / Family Pension Scheme can be termed as comprehensive social security system in place to shield the elderly from the effects of economic hardship.
In order to meet continually rising cost of living and to appease big, govt./semi govt. organized sector of retirees from the society, the idea of a dearness allowance was brought into the spotlight. It has created tremendous attraction and craze among the youth to grab govt./semi govt.job.
Though the pension scheme introduced by Municipal Corporation of Gr. Mumbai was well designed, there existed certain lacunas due to which superannuated / voluntarily retired employees and their heirs were bound to face number of problems and considerable delay in receiving pension and pensionary benefits. This caused establishment of a body to redress the complaints.